As Lockdown restrictions ease for the COVID19 Pandemic, amateur athletes will be returning to the field. Sports training has been highly impacted for most people, and there could be a high incidence of injuries as players will be expected to get back up to speed quickly. Ensure you reduce your injury risk and shake off the quarantine cobwebs with this Return to Play programme.
Returning to sport without a systematic return to running protocol after injury or log lay-off is like running a marathon without building up your mileage. It puts your body at increased risk of future injury, so follow this programme and you’ll be back to full speed in no time!
After a long lay-off, your tissues (tendons, muscles, ligaments, etc) lose some of their ability to take load and transmit force. When it comes to getting back to sport, these tissues need gradual exposure to loading so that they and your central nervous system have time to adapt to the demands of your sport again.
Follow this simple programme to make your return from Quarantine!
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